My friend, Anagha moved into her new home in an upswing locality in Mumbai. She called a few of her BFFs for a housewarming party.
Halfway through the chatter, our conversation spun off on the house helps.
’I was zapped when I interviewed a person to handle BJP.’ Anagha began.
‘You are working for BJP?’ Shubhangi queried.
‘You have joined their Maharashtra unit? Have you met the ex-CM? And his versatile wife? She is so pretty, a banker and a singer. I admire her,’ gushed Shaila.
‘What is BJP?’ asked the practical Padma.
‘I have not joined any party. I said-I was interviewing a help for BJP, i.e., Bartan-Jhadu- Poncha,’ Anagha replied.
All of us burst into laughter at the new acronym for the mundane jobs.
‘Hey! Listen. I interviewed this maid and told her the jobs to be done and the timings. I had checked the prevailing rates for the jobs in this locality, so I told her I will pay at that rate.’ Anagha told us.
‘Let me tell verbatim, the conversation between me and the Bai (as the house helps are called in Mumbai)’
Anagha began:
‘Madam, the salary is OK. But the Diwali bonus, I want a month’s pay as shares.’ Bai announced.
‘Shares. What shares? Do you mean shares and stocks?’ Anagha asked.
‘Yes, Madam. Shares from the share market,’ Bai replied.
Looking at Anagha’s surprised look, the Bai added condescendingly, ‘if you are not well versed with the stock market, I will consult my friend and tell you which shares to purchase,’
‘Who is this friend? You are working in some lady’s home and she is helping you with tips,’ Anagha asked.
‘My friend’s husband is a driver for a CEO of a big company. Three-four years back, the kind gentleman gave shares to his driver. He also advised him to learn the share market and use this investment properly for a secure future. My friend’s husband followed his boss’s advice and continues to monitor his investment wisely,’ Bai informed.
‘The driver is truly lucky to have such a generous Boss. But I am not CEO of any company to allot shares to you,’ Anagha told her.
‘Moreover, the driver got shares from his generous Boss, but why do you wish to take your bonus in the form of shares?’ Anagha asked.’
‘My friend told us that you can get good returns in shares if you invest wisely. In Bank FDs, we are getting a maximum of 5-6% interest, but you can make more than 15-20% in the share market.’
Seeing Anagha’s incredulous look, the Bai continued.
‘My friend said that the value of their shares went up nearly three times within two years. When she told me, I got the idea to use the Diwali bonus for investing in shares. I have started investing some money in shares past two years,’ Bai replied.
‘Investing in shares is easy but you must monitor it on regular basis. How do you do that?’ Anagha asked.
‘WhatsApp में सब कुछ पता चल जाता है, Madam.’ Bai replied.
‘What do you get on WhatsApp? Sensex? NIFTY?’ Anagha was still zapped.
‘No Madam, why should I check all the information? I hold 4 shares, so the price of those 4 shares is sent to me on WhatsApp. He also tells us which shares to buy or sell.’
‘The CEO gives this information to you all on WhatsApp?’ Anagha asked shocked.
‘No Madam, The Saheb on the 15th floor, where I work, is a broker. He has kindly agreed to help me to deal with share market investments.’ She explained.
‘You are lucky, you work in houses with share market knowledge.’ Anagha said admiringly.
'Yes Madam, सोच समझ के ही काम लेना पड़ता है | I don't work in any house. After checking your background, I have chosen to work in your house,' she replied with a toss of her plait.
'You have chosen to work in my house! I thought I choose which Bai works for me,' Anagha told her.
'Madam, you told the guard three days back that you are looking for a Bai. We checked about you and then decided that I can work in your house. So I have come.' The Bai proclaimed
'I was too scared to ask her what was her parameters for evaluating me,' Anagha told us.
‘In the past two years, I have benefitted from good investments. When I invested in 2020, the market was at 38000- 40000. See today, it is touching 56000, so I have made a good profit. My daughter is in the 12th class and I want her to do an MBA. That requires a lot of money. So, I have started planning now.’
‘Impressive,’ Anagha said, ‘but I still don’t understand why I should purchase and give you. You can purchase them from the bonus I give.’
‘Madam, just imagine how nice you will feel that you have given me shares as a bonus. Giving one month’s salary is very common, but you can be different. Is it not?’ she asked.
‘Yes, it is indeed a unique concept,’ Anagha agreed.
‘You know, 3-4 months back, this CEO was interviewed on TV. It seems he has given shares to his school teacher, his friends, relatives, the household helpers and his driver, i.e., my friend’s husband. Even the driver was interviewed by TV people when he got shares from his CEO boss. We all saw the interviews,’ Bai added happily.
‘I suggest from now, you gift shares to your cook and driver also as a Diwali bonus. So, after a few years, when the TV people interview you, you can also proudly tell them all the persons who have benefitted from your gifting.’
‘I will also be interviewed on TV!’ Bai added. I will tell them that you had gifted me these shares.’
‘I was zapped,’ Anagha concluded.
“Never underestimate the powerful ideas of a Bai” We proclaimed in unison.
Started writing as a hobby post retirement. Now a content writer, blogger and author. Published story books for children as e-Books on Kindle and paperback. Won prizes on online competitions on varied topics.
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